HomeSupercharger KBFunctionalityPerformance Monitoring

3.9. Performance Monitoring

Supercharger monitors the CPU of each collector and the Events-perp-second counter on each destination log. Supercharger maintains a 7-day-average for both counters and a 7-day peak for Events-per-second. These values are displayed in the tiles for each respective object.

The collector tile below indicates the current CPU with the darker arrow on the bottom and the 7-day average with the ligher arrow on top. The collector name in bold indicates that it is the Supercharger Manager server. We also see a status of the general health of the collector.

Windows is inconsistent with reporting event log counters. If available Supercharger tracks events per second with the 7-day-peak defining the scale of the chart, the dark arrow on the bottom indicating current EPS and the lighter arrow on top showing the 7-day average.

Internally, Supercharger captures these same statistics at the top of every hour for long term trending and capacity planning. Each collector in Supercharger also has a performance chart showing WEC Health vs CPU vs EPS. There is also a second chart for WSMan Quota Statistics.

To assist with environment planning and collector health across your entire WEC implementation, we also populate the following charts for all collectors on a single pane of glass.

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