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3.11. Troubleshooting
The web application can only start if the Supercharger Controller service is running on the Manager and reports that the database is in ready state. If any of these conditions are not true the Web application will automatically display an error page with all available diagnostics information which you should supply to support. In addition, you can access the Log pages from the main navigation bar.
Log Pages
Supercharger maintains an internal log of all events from all collectors with severities
- Information
- Warning
- Error
- Fatal
You can view this log on the eponymous page via the main navigation bar.
Other tabs on this same page allow you to view the Manager’s application log or event download its trace log. Supplying this information when opening a support ticket will dramatically speed up case resolution.
Trace Logs on Each Collector
Each collector normally reports all Informational and above events to the Manager as described above provided the database is available and the collector is registered. In case the controller can’t report events to the manager, Collectors always log the same informational and above events to their local Application event log.
In addition, collectors maintain a text trace log in the “logs” subfolder of the Supercharger Controller service directory. By default, Debug and above severity messages are logged to this folder. When a log grows to 100mb, Supercharger rolls over to a new log and compresses it to about 7mgb. Supercharger keeps no more than 10 such logs before deleting the oldest. To customize this behavior contact support. Support may request these logs or ask you to enable a higher level of Trace logging.