HomeLOGbinder for SP KBHow ToImpact of Restricted Lookups

3.7. Impact of Restricted Lookups

LOGbinder for SharePoint by default makes every effort to fully translate and enrich SharePoint audit events through so called "lookups" where-in LOGbinder makes extra queries to SharePoint to obtain this information. But there is a cost/benefit relationship to be considered. Some events in the native SharePoint audit log include fields that are of low or no value to end users at many organizations. Each field in the native log, including these low or no value fields, requires a lookup by LOGbinder to resolve the native SharePoint data in to user friendly data.

For example, below is a sample of LOGbinder for SharePoint event ID 13:

Document checked in
Occurred: 6/25/2016 1:13:04 PM
Site: http://sp2010-sp
User: Administrator
URL: Shared Documents/FinancialData.xlsx
Title: n/a
Version: 1.0

As you can see in the above event, the “Title” field returned from SharePoint is “n/a”. This is obviously of no value to the end user. Since SharePoint includes these low/no value fields, LOGbinder for SharePoint includes an option to intelligently restrict the number of lookups it processes resulting in increased performance of LOGbinder. You can manage the amount of SharePoint lookups by opening the LOGbinder Control Panel selecting File and then Options. The amount of lookups performed by LOGbinder can be customized by choosing a value under “Amount of SharePoint lookups.” See figure 1 below.

Figure 1: Managing the amount of SharePoint lookups

The fields that are affected (with the exception of the “Restrict all lookups option”) are all child fields of the targeted object. “URL” is the most important field included in the events and that field is always reported except on some permission change events and only if the “Exclude high/medium-cost” option is selected.

Most organizations who need to speed up LOGbinder can safely use the “Exclude high-cost lookups” option without losing significant audit information. Please note that the “Exclude high/medium-cost” option does adversely impact permission change events.

The following chart outlines which fields are affected depending on which option is selected when managing the amount of SharePoint lookups.


Field will be blank if this setting is chosen …

Exclude none

Exclude highest-cost lookups

Exclude high-cost lookups

Exclude high/ medium- cost lookups

Restrict all lookups

10 Noise entry


This entry was generated, but contains only data that is misleading or irrelevant.


Occurred: %1


Details: %2


11 Site collection audit policy changed


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3


New audit policy: %4


12 Audit policy changed


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




Type: %4


Subtype: %5


✘ 1

URL: %6


Title: %7


✘ 1

Description: %8


✘ 1

New audit policy: %9


13 Document checked in


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




URL: %4


Title: %5


Version: %6


14 Document checked out


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




URL: %4


Title: %5


Version: %6


15 Child object deleted


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3


Parent Object


Type: %4


Subtype: %5


✘ 1

URL: %6


Title: %7


✘ 1

Child Object


Type: %8


URL: %9


16 Child object moved


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3


Parent Object


Type: %4


Subtype: %5


✘ 1

URL: %6


Title: %7


✘ 1

Description: %8


✘ 1

Child Object


Type: %9


Title: %10


Original location: %11


New location: %12


17 Object copied


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




Type: %4


Title: %5


✘ 1

Description: %6


✘ 1

Original location: %7


New location: %8


18 Custom event


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3


Details: %4


Examine the details accompanying the event for more information.


19 Object deleted


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




Type: %4


URL: %5


Versions deleted: %6


Recycled: %7


20 SharePoint audit logs deleted


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3


Logs deleted: %4


Last date: %5


Audit logs created before this date have been removed from SharePoint.


Purge performed by LOGbinder: %6


21 Object moved


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




Type: %4


Title: %5


✘ 1

Original location: %6


New location: %7


22 Object profile changed


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




Type: %4


Subtype: %5


✘ 1

URL: %6


Title: %7


✘ 1

Description: %8


✘ 1

Profile details: %9


23 SharePoint object structure changed


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




Type: %4


Subtype: %5


✘ 1

URL: %6


Title: %7


✘ 1

Description: %8


✘ 1

Details: %9


24 Search performed


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3


Search: %4


25 SharePoint group created


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




ID: %4


Name: %5


Initial members: %6


26 SharePoint group deleted


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




ID: %4


The group name is not available because Microsoft does not report this. Refer to events 25, 27, 28, as these may contain the group name.


27 SharePoint group member added


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




ID: %4


Name: %5




ID: %6


Name: %7


✘ 2

28 SharePoint group member removed


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




ID: %4


Name: %5




ID: %6


Name: %7


✘ 2

29 Unique permissions created


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3


Parent Object


Type: %4


Subtype: %5


URL: %6


Title: %7


Description: %8




URL: %9


This object no longer inherits permissions from the parent.


30 Unique permissions removed


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3


Parent Object


Type: %4


Subtype: %5


URL: %6


Title: %7


Description: %8




URL: %9


This object, which formerly had unique permissions, now inherits permissions from the parent.


31 Permissions updated


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




Type: %4


Subtype: %5


URL: %6


Title: %7


Description: %8




Name: %9


Type: %10




Role name: %11


Role description: %12


One instance of this event is logged for each role assigned this user. Look at adjacent events to determine all roles assigned to the user or group.


32 Permissions removed


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




Type: %4


Subtype: %5


URL: %6


Title: %7


Description: %8




Name: %9


Type: %10




Role name: %11


Role description: %12


33 Unique permission levels created


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




Type: %4


URL: %5


Title: %6


✘ 1

Description: %7


✘ 1

This object has unique permission levels (role definitions) that are not inherited from its parent.


34 Permission level created


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




Type: %4


URL: %5


Title: %6


✘ 1

Description: %7


✘ 1

Permission Level Details


ID: %8


Name: %9


Type: %10


Description: %11




List permissions: %12


Site permissions: %13


Personal permissions: %14


35 Permission level deleted


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




Type: %4


URL: %5


Title: %6


✘ 1

Description: %7


✘ 1

Permission Level Details


ID: %8


The permission level name is not available because Microsoft does not report this. Refer to events 34 or 36, as these may contain the name.


36 Permission level modified


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




Type: %4


URL: %5


Title: %6


✘ 1

Description: %7


✘ 1

Permission Level Details


ID: %8


Name: %9


Type: %10


Description: %11




List permissions: %12


Site permissions: %13


Personal permissions: %14


37 SharePoint site collection administrator added


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




ID: %4


Name: %5


✘ 2

38 SharePoint site collection administrator removed


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




ID: %4


Name: %5


✘ 2

39 Object restored


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




Type: %4


URL: %5


Title: %6


✘ 1

Description: %7


✘ 1

This object was restored from the Recycle Bin.


40 Site collection updated


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3


41 Web updated


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




URL: %4


Title: %5


Description: %6


42 Document library updated


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




URL: %4


Title: %5


Description: %6


Library item updated: %7


43 Document updated


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




URL: %4


Title: %5


Version: %6


44 List updated


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




Type: %4


URL: %5


Title: %6


Description: %7


45 List item updated


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




URL: %4


Title: %5


✘ 1

46 Folder updated


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




URL: %4


Version: %5


47 Document viewed


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




URL: %4


Title: %5


Version: %6


48 Document library viewed


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




URL: %4


Title: %5


Description: %6


49 List viewed


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




Type: %4


URL: %5


Title: %6


Description: %7


50 Object viewed


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




Type: %4


URL: %5


Title: %6


✘ 1

Description: %7


✘ 1

51 Workflow accessed


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




Type: %4


URL: %5


Title: %6


✘ 1

Description: %7


✘ 1

The object was accessed as part of a workflow.


52 Information management policy created


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




Type: %4


Subtype: %5


✘ 1

URL: %6


Title: %7


✘ 1

Description: %8


✘ 1

Policy details: %9


53 Information management policy changed


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




Type: %4


Subtype: %5


✘ 1

URL: %6


Title: %7


✘ 1

Description: %8


✘ 1

Policy details: %9


54 Site collection information management policy created


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3


Policy details: %4


55 Site collection information management policy changed


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3


Policy details: %4


56 Export of objects started


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


Requested by: %3


Look at adjacent events to determine the number of items exported.


57 Export of objects completed


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


Requested by: %3


Total number of items: %4


Size: %5


Look at adjacent events to determine when the export was started.


58 Import of objects started


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


Requested by: %3


Size: %4


Look at adjacent events to determine the number of items imported.


59 Import of objects completed


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


Requested by: %3


Total number of items: %4


Look at adjacent events to determine when the import was started.


60 Possible tampering warning


There may have been potential tampering of: %1


Details: %2


It could indicate tampering, which could affect the integrity of the audit.


61 Retention policy processed


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




Type: %4


URL: %5


Title: %6


✘ 1

Description: %7


✘ 1

Action: %8


62 Document fragment updated


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




URL: %4


Title: %5


✘ 1

63 Content type imported


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3


Source: %4


Proxy: %5


Package ID: %6


64 Information management policy deleted


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3




Type: %4


Subtype: %5


✘ 1

URL: %6


Title: %7


✘ 1

65 Item declared as a record


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3


URL: %4


66 Item undeclared as a record


Occurred: %1


Site: %2


User: %3


URL: %4


This lookup is not done only when the target object is a list item. If the target item is a document, folder, list, or library, the lookup is performed.

2 Applies to SharePoint 2007 only. In later versions this data is included in the event data without requiring a lookup.

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