HomeSupercharger KBHow ToHow To Backup and Restore Supercharger for Disaster Recovery

5.10. How To Backup and Restore Supercharger for Disaster Recovery


How To Backup the Manager

(If using the SQL Server installed by Supercharger, you can use any account in the BUILTIN\Administrators group, as that group is added to the sysadmin role for the SQL Server installation.)

  1. Backup the master database (see Back Up and Restore of System Databases)
  2. Backup the Supercharger database (see Back Up and Restore of SQL Server Databases)

How To Restore the Manager

  1. Install Supercharger manager on the new server
  2. Stop the Supercharger service
  3. Restart the SQL Server in single-user mode
  4. Restore the master database that was backed up (see Back Up and Restore of System Databases)
  5. Start the SQL Server without single-user mode
  6. Restore the Supercharger database that was backed up (see Back Up and Restore of SQL Server Databases)
  7. Run the following SQL commands to reset the user account for Supercharger. (You can put the commands in a text file and run from admin command prompt: sqlcmd -H localhost -i TextFileName)
    Specify a secure password in place of  ????????????????

    DROP LOGIN ScManagerDbUser;
    ALTER SERVER ROLE [sysadmin] ADD MEMBER ScManagerDbUser

  8. ​Configure the new password in Supercharger
    1. Open Supercharger in your browser. It will complain about bad credentials
    2. Click on the Configure button to go to the database coordinates settings page
      1. If you get an HTTP error message instead of the database connection Supercharger error page, you can open the database coordinates settings page by opening http://localhost/trouble/credscoords in your browser
    3. Provide the name of the SQL Server including instance if applicable. If using default instance, just put localhost. (If SQL Server certificate is used, provide the same FQDN as in the CN of the certificate.)
    4. Specify the database name, which should be Supercharger by default
    5. Specify the user name (ScManagerDbUser) and password from above
    6. Click Continue
  9. Reconnect collectors
    • ​If the new manager has same DNS name as old manager, then collectors should just reconnect automatically
    • If the new manager has a different DNS then before, then the Server name of the manager needs to be changed in registry for each collector under the following key
      • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MTG\Supercharger\Controller\Db 


How To Backup a Collector

Collectors do not need to be backed up.

How To Restore a Collector

  1. Install the Supercharger agent
  2. Re-register with Supercharger manager

Frequently Asked Questions

What data is lost when you restore a Manager?

When you restore the Supercharger SQL database, you will lose any changes to Supercharger objects (as opposed to WEC objects) since last backup. This includes policies, managed filters, security permissions, overrides, performance statistics, etc. This does not include Windows objects on collectors such as Subscriptions and Event Logs. This is because Supercharger always updates these objects in Supercharger to reflect Windows current state of each collector.

Can I use the above steps to migrate the Manager to another server?

Absolutely. Just make sure to rename the new server to the DNS of the original server sometime before restoring the Supercharger database (that is, before step 6 above).

Additional Useful References:

  1. Back Up and Restore of SQL Server Databases
  2. Back Up and Restore of System Databases

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