HomeSupercharger KBFunctionalitySecurity

3.12. Security

NOTE: In addition to the security level assignments described below, any members of SuperchargerSuperUsers, a local Windows group on the Manager, automatically Administrator level authority but are not shown in on the Settings\Security Tab. This local group facilitates initial access for the user who installs Supercharger and is a failsafe method for local Administrators to re-gain access if the users or groups assigned below are deleted from Active Directory.

Supercharger has 3 security levels which you can configure via the Settings\Security page.




  • Change security level assignments
  • Add and remove collectors
  • Change settings
  • All operator privileges


  • Manage subscriptions and policy objects
  • Run scheduled commands on demand

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  • View all information

The interface does not support them adding users or groups from another domain. To add users from other domains, simply create a group in the manager's domain and add that group under Security settings. Then selected users can be made members of that group.

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